How to redeem a Promo Code?
Step 1
At checkout, fill in your shipping address, choose a payment method and shipping option.
If you have a valid Promo Code, simply enter the Promo Code into the Promo Code box.

Step 2
Proceed to click CONTINUE CHECKOUT to pay for the now discounted order.
How to get a Promo Code?

If you have registered on our site with a valid email address, you will receive an email from us with a coupon code for your first purchase.

Another way to receive Promo Codes is to subscribe to us. Subscription also ensures that you are the first to know about our latest deals and style updates. You may subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage.
What are the conditions?
* Please use Promo Codes before they expire.
* Some Promo Codes may have requirements, such as a minimum purchase.
* A Promo Code doesn’t work on shipping fees and COD service fees.
* Customers may only redeem one Promo Code per order.